Hālau Kūkalaulama

Kamehameha Schools Association of Teachers and Parents (KS ATP)

The Kamehameha Schools Association of Teachers and Parents (ATP) partners our KS Kapālama administration, faculty, and staff with the ʻohana of our haumāna with a shared goal - to enrich our haumāna and 'ohana experience at Kamehameha Schools Kapālama. Our amazing group of parent volunteers come together every year to host fundraising and social events for our Kamehameha Schools Kapālama families. We host cultural and educational grade level activities to provide ʻohana opportunities to build relationships with each other and the school program. Our annual Hoʻolauleʻa is celebrated every February. This ATP co-sponsored event includes all grade levels, clubs, performing arts, athletics, and families. Funds raised from this event help to subsidize educational and competitive activities through a grant process.

2024-2025 SY KS ATP Officers
PresidentSonyei Matsuuraatp.president@kskatp.org
Vice-President - KESShannon Yogi Leeatp.vpkes@kskatp.org
Vice-President - KMS/KHSKae Suedaatp.vpkms@kskatp.org
Vice-President - Ho‘olaule‘aGigi Velascoatp.vphoolaulea@kskatp.org
Recording SecretaryJamie Tanouraatp.recsec@kskatp.org
Corresponding SecretarySara Wongatp.corsec@kskatp.org
Treasurer 1Nicole Auatp.treas1@kskatp.org
Treasurer 2Hanae Gouveiaatp.treas2@kskatp.org

2024-2025 SY KS ATP Class Representatives
Grade K
Kara Ahu & Reydell Kauhaneimua2037@kskatp.org
Grade 1
Sheila Manuel, Kainoa Kaku & Roxanne "La'akea" Youngimua2036@kskatp.org
Grade 2
Heather Namahoe & Carla Kobashigawaimua2035@kskatp.org
Grade 3
Diana Cummings & Misty Importimua2034@kskatp.org
Grade 4
Cindy Pila & Cathryn Langanimua2033@kskatp.org
Grade 5
Brittany Hopkins & Ranae Donatoimua2032@kskatp.org
Grade 6
Dawn Burgess & Christine "Ulu" Dashimua2031@kskatp.org
Grade 7
Jamie Makua, Angela Kim & Jennifer Wellsimua2030@kskatp.org
Grade 8
Kristi Chong & Nainoa Chongimua2029@kskatp.org
Grade 9
Dawn Sugikawa & Brenda Tejada Mookiniimua2028@kskatp.org
Grade 10
Aulani Shiu & Shontaz Naweliimua2027@kskatp.org
Grade 11
Michele Cadiente-Cargo & Grant Kapono Kanohoimua2026@kskatp.org
Grade 12
Joy Watson, Aukai Lucas & Susanna Huntimua2025@kskatp.org

  Need kōkua?

Hālau Kūkalaulama

(808) 842-8247