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Na‘u ka hau‘oli.

Kamehameha Schools Maui

Health and wellness services

Malia Song
Kahu Maʻi
(Registered Nurse)
KS Maui Health Service Department staff
Malia Song
Kahu Maʻi
(Registered Nurse)
KS Maui Health Service Department staff

Health services

The Mālama Ola Health Services Department (HSD) provides healthcare services to students. The HSD does not replace your child’s primary care provider or patient-centered medical home, but it becomes part of your child’s healthcare team or medical neighborhood. The HSD provides primary care services for acute conditions and can assist with disease management. Students who are assessed to require more healthcare than can be provided on campus are referred to receive healthcare in the community. All health rooms are staffed by a registered nurse who may be supported by a medical assistant.

Parents/guardians are required to complete a Medical Treatment Agreement and Release prior to the start of the school year. While Kamehameha Schools provides healthcare services for the students, final and complete responsibility for the health of the student rests with the parents/guardians of the student. Costs incurred by outside referrals and treatments are also the responsibility of parents/guardians. Kamehameha Schools does not assume responsibility for treating any student who appears to be under the influence of any drug, chemical, alcohol, or any other intoxicating or mood-altering substance; however, it reserves the right to administer emergency treatment in connection with any physical disability or accident resulting from the above influence.

Hours of service

The HSD provides health services to KSM students Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the following locations:

  • High School Health Room: Located at Pauahilani Building Room 41. Phone: 573-7073
  • Middle School Health Room: Located at Keanolani Building Room 11. Phone: 572-4221
  • Elementary Health Room: Located at the Pai’ea Administrative Building. Phone: 572-3222

There is no charge for students to be seen at the health room, although there may be a charge for supplies.

Students should make every effort to visit the health room before school begins, during free periods, or after school in order to minimize missed class time. Students will be seen in the order they sign-in. There will be no priority given to grade levels. All students will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis unless the nature of the illness or injury requires immediate care.

Our HSD provides clinical assessments, first aid, and initial urgent/emergency care, as defined below:

  • Clinical assessment is an evaluation by a licensed healthcare provider that includes taking a pertinent history and physical examination to determine the health problem.
  • First aid is the provision of healthcare for minor conditions identified through the clinical assessment. The nurses follow treatment protocols as approved by the Kamehameha Schools Medical Director.
  • Initial care for urgent/emergent conditions is the provision of available healthcare services to help stabilize the serious condition until more definitive care can be received at a setting that can provide a higher level of care.

In the event of a serious medical emergency, KS will be responsible for arranging transportation for emergency care. If a student is referred to an outside physician or facility by the health room, a referral letter will be provided to parents by the health room to be completed by the physician or facility. If the student does not have a referral letter, a private physician’s restriction form is acceptable. A signed referral letter or physician’s restriction form is required when the student returns to school.

Returning after illness or injury

All students returning to school after an absence for illness or injury must readmit through the health room if:

  • The absence is for three or more days; or
  • The absence is for less than three days and
    • The student saw a healthcare provider during that period; or
    • The student has any medical restrictions requiring an off activity pass.
  • The student returns to school with medical restrictions of any kind regardless of the number of days absent.

A healthcare provider’s note is required for any absence of more than three days.

Medication administration

For any medication prescribed by a healthcare provider that a student will have on campus, a completed Request for Administration of Medication (RAM) form must be submitted to the health room. If the healthcare provider indicates on the RAM form that the student can self-administer the medication, then the student may be allowed to keep the medication, subject to concurrence by the medical director or his designee. However, the health room must possess and dispense any controlled medication/substance even if the student is able to self-administer. If the RAM form does not indicate that a student can self-administer the medication, then it will be dispensed by the health room. All prescribed medications should be in their original pharmacy container with the necessary information — student name, medication name, physician's name, plus dosage and frequency. KS is not responsible for reminding students to take or report for their medication.

Contacting parents

In cases of emergency or if a child needs to be picked up from school, the health room staff will attempt to call one of the child’s parents. All students are required to have an additional on-island adult emergency contact designated to authorize medical care when a parent is unable to be contacted. Further treatment by a private physician or an emergency room is at the discretion of parents.

Students will be sent home from school if their condition prevents them from returning to class or participating in a school-related activity. Conditions such as, but not limited to:

  • A temperature of 100°F or above. Students must be fever-free for 24 hours without medication (Tylenol, Motrin, etc.) before returning to school.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea

IMPORTANT: Please notify the school office immediately of a change of address or phone number.

Health records

The HSD maintains a health record on each student. The health record contains emergency contact, health insurance and immunization information, as well as a chronological account of each visit to the health room. Parents are responsible for immediately informing the health room of changes in student health record information immediately by calling the designated health room.

Kamehameha Schools retains all student health records for a minimum of seven years beyond age 18. Student health records are considered confidential with information disclosed externally to authorized individuals and healthcare providers, and information is shared internally when there is a legitimate educational impact.

Student accident insurance

Kamehameha Schools provides limited accident insurance for students for accidental injuries incurred during participation in school functions, activities or trips. This insurance provides accident coverage in conjunction with parents’ personal medical insurance or serves as primary insurance for those who are uninsured. Kamehameha Schools requires students to be insured if they wish to participate in athletics.