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How do you say: Can! Let’s go!
Hiki! E hele kāua!





Enrollment at Kamehameha during the next decade increases dramatically. In the years between 1944 and 1962, enrollment is more than triple what it was in the previous 20 years. Major construction will continue throughout this decade and into the next, while the educational programs shift and part-time work is eliminated.

October 15, 1950
PRESIDENT HARRY TRUMAN stopped briefly in 1950 in Hawai‘i, on his way to and from Wake Island where he would meet with Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Kalama Cottage at Kalama Beach was made available for the President. Colonel Kent and Mr. Midkiff joined other top ranking gentlemen at the Naval Annex Club where Colonel Kent and President Truman sat down to chat about Kamehameha schools and Bernice Pauahi Bishop. (Ka Moi Oct. 27, 1950)

November 10, 1950
The formal dedication of Konia was held at a school assembly during the day and an evening performance of a pageant by KSG students, faculty and two guest speakers. The scenes in the pageant were of the birth of Pauahi, the founding of the schools, and the first assembly held at the Girl’s School. (Ka Moi Oct. 27, 1950)

Kamehameha School for Boys now a full military institute. 1. Instruction in ROTC classes and training will be of a higher standard equivalent to basic training in universities. 2. Military discipline will be more rigidly enforced. 3. A higher standard must be maintained to receive the “Military School Honor ROTC Unit” rating than was formerly required. 4. If the honor unit rating is awarded to Kamehameha, 3 honor graduates are eligible as candidates for the US Military Academy at West Point.

November 10, 1951
“The Hangar” Kekuhaupi‘o Hale on Malalo field is dedicated. It is 160 ft. long, 129 ft. wide, and 28 ft. high at the center. Mr. Alvin Chang, PE instructor is chairman of the dedication program which includes a speech by President Kent, blessing by Reverend Desha, and sports and dance exhibitions. In the late 1970s when a new fieldhouse is desired, “the hangar” is sold to St. Louis High School for $1.00. (Below)

February 16, 1952
Song Contest follows new pattern this year with a combined KSG and KSB senior division. The combined Junior division is to sing March 15. Song contest is held at Kekuhaupio Hale.

March 9, 1952
Keopuolani-Lani and Keopuolani-Uka are dedicated. (pictured right) The new building is a new addition to the Senior Home Management section, and is a much needed expansion to make it possible for all senior girls to be given an effective opportunity to experience the invaluable real-life situation established living under home management conditions. The lower floor is Keopuolani-uka, and the upper floor is Keopuolani-lani. The original building is Keopuolani-kai, and the whole unit is to be called Keopuolani-nui.

The school’s bakery was established in Haleakala. Masakiyo Muronaga “Naga” was the head baker. The bakery operated 24 hours a day.

March 29, 1952
The Boys’ Glee Club Sings on “Hawaii Calls” at the request of Mr. Webley Edwards, producer and director of the show. The boys entertained the nation with the medley “Na‘i Aupuni/Haili Po Ka Lehua” and the songs “Hanalei Bay” and “Ninipo.”

Luryier “Pop” Diamond (at left in 2002) joins the KS staff as public relations publicity manager and head of the photography department. He will serve at KS for over 50 years.

KA NA‘I AUPUNI is chosen for the name of the annual/yearbook. From this point on, the name does not change. (Ka Moi Oct. 10, 1952)

Dr. GEORGE H. MILLS KSB 1940 is hired as the school physician. Dr. Mills graduated with his MD from Boston College and served as an intern at Queen’s Hospital, later becoming the assistant resident, and then chief resident of medicine there. Dr. Mills serves Na Pua a Pauahi as Physician at Hale Ola into the 1970s. Currently, his daughter, Mrs. Pua Ka‘ai, continues in service to Ke Ali‘i Pauahi as our Kapalama Middle School Principal.

Various activities of the Kamehameha Schools daily program will be featured on a “March of Time” television show sponsored by Time, Inc. to be released February 26th. The film is to be shown to Congress, and 10,000,000 sets across the country, to show the importance of statehood for Hawaii.

Bishop Memorial Church Honors four KS GRADS THAT DIED IN THE KOREAN WAR – Herbert Heu ’42, William Opulauoho ’48, Homer Kuhns ’48, and Everett Ho ’50. Alfred Lum King, class of ’48 was also killed in the Korean war and the flag that covered his casket was given to Boy’s school principal Oscar Fowler. (Ka Moi Oct. 2 1953)

October 6, 1953
KVOK INAUGURAL CEREMONIES – Governor Samuel Wilder King addresses the listening audience at the opening of Kamehameha’s Radio Station. KVOK (Voice of Kamehameha) 88.1 was the first FM station in the islands. (Ka Moi)

NEW BUS STATION – September 24, 1951 at School Street, across from Kapalama School, Kamehameha puts into operation a new bus station. The formal KS bus Terminal was opened January 6, 1953, it was needed to accommodate the large increase of day students on the upper campus and to alleviate traffic congestion. terminal

Day Students - KSB: $73.50, KSG: $63.50
Boarders - KSB: $128.50, KSG: $118.50
KSPD (’53-54) - $50.50
Kindergarten - $53.00
Grades 1-2 - $55.00
Grades 3-4 - $56.00
Grades 5-6 - $58.00
Grade 7 - $63.50 (day), $118.50 (boarder)

NEWTONIAN TELESCOPE – The machine and welding shop boys under the direction of Mr. Ardeen Sveum, assembled what was the largest reflecting Newtonian telescope in the Pacific area, to operate mechanically, but not optically. Upon completion it was used by Kamehameha Schools Science classes and the Bishop Museum where it was located.

May 3, 1954
GROUNDBREAKING FOR NEW KSPD – 9:30 am. The entire preparatory student body was present for the ceremony. Mr. William Taylor, member of the first prep school class was also present.

KA MOI celebrates 30 years of publication. In 1924, Ka Moi got its start as the weekly Cadet. In the fall of 1930, The school’s Cadet and the annual Ka Moi were combined. In 1933, the Ka Moi became the semi-monthly, student directed production that has survived to this day.

April 19, 1955
SALK VACCINE – 92 first and second graders at Kamehameha prep school were one of two of the first schools in Honolulu to receive the Salk vaccine for polio. The other school was Punahou. Dr. Nathan Shklov (pictured above right) and the nurses at Hale Ola administered the vaccine to the children. (Ka Moi May 13, 1955)

September 25, 1955
The Charles Reed Bishop Preparatory Campus is dedicated and 511 prepsters look forward to their new million-dollar digs.

December 1, 1955
Ke Ali‘i Pauahi is published with Marion Welz as editor. Blossom Nary named the publication that is a newspaper representing the Kamehameha Publication Council Committee with representatives from the PTA, and alumni.

SONG CONTEST JUNIOR DIVISION competition eliminated in the 1955-56 school year.

February – 8th and 9th graders receive Salk Polio Vaccine. At the time, the vaccine was limited to only three groups: 1. Pregnant women 2. Children from 6 months to 15 years 3. Children traveling to the continent.

HIGHLIGHTS – (Outlined in Volume 3 of The History of Kamehameha Schools by Richard Greer)

  1. High morale coupled with a decline in disciplinary problems.
  2. Inclusion of the tenth grade in the careers program.
  3. An exceptionally low rate of teacher turnover.
  4. Designation (again) as an honor Military Institute.
  5. ROTC battalion wins first place in the ROTC field day.
  6. Development of a strengthened speech program, and testing in speech of all junior students.
  7. Limitation of the work experience program to half day weekly for junior students. This permitted all juniors to carry full academic programs.
  8. Development of a more definite dismissal policy, raising scholarship and citizenship standards.
  9. Participation in an all-schools survey and revision of the testing program.

SENIORS are getting their polio vaccines as of December 1956. The vaccine is plentiful throughout the United States at this time. One of every seven polio patients in 1955 were teenagers, and since 1938, over 400,000 Americans have been stricken with polio. The push to eradicate polio is why the “March of Dimes” is created. The vaccine is highly effective and by 1994, polio is completely eradicated in the U.S.

AUGUST 4 – Reverend Stephen L. Desha Jr., Chaplain Emeritus for the Kamehameha Schools passes away. A memorial service honoring Reverend Desha is held Sunday September 15th at the Bishop Memorial Chapel.

Ke Ali‘i Pauahi is published with Marion Welz as editor. Blossom Nary named the publication that is a newspaper representing the Kamehameha Publication Council Committee with representatives from the PTA, and alumni.

Ten acres of Kamehameha School for Boys property at what was formerly the Ka‘iwiula campus is given to the Bishop Museum by the Bernice P. Bishop Estate.

SAMUEL W. KING is appointed Bishop Estate Trustee. King was formerly Governor of the Territory of Hawai‘i.

Alumni Glee Club releases their album “Na Mele O Hawaii.” The Group sings at the Halekulani Hotel at 9:00pm the third Thursday of every month.

FORMER JUSTICE LE BARON ATTACKS ADMISSIONS POLICY OF THE SCHOOLS – Former Supreme Court Justice Louis Le Baron suggest that Kamehameha is violating a decision of the United States Supreme Court relative to segregation in public schools. Le Baron cited the 14th amendment (granting all equal protection under the law) in his challenge of the Bishop Estate, however, the challenge was based on the case of a school in Pennsylvania that was endowed by the estate of Stephen Girard. That trust, however, was held by the City of Philadelphia, and there had been state legislation in setting up the trust, therefore the US Supreme Court upheld the 14th amendment in that case.

RICHARD LYMAN–Affectionately called “Papa Lyman,” he replaces deceased Trustee Samuel King. Lyman becomes famous for his song contest award speeches in the 1970s and 1980, sometimes bringing a broom onto the stage for classes who “swept” the competition.

Duke Kahanamoku is awarded a Kamehameha diploma. He is believed to have arrived at Kamehameha in 1904 but it is unclear how long he attended. His brother David Kahanamoku is a graduate.

Hawai‘i becomes the 50th state.

Jet airplanes begin making flights to Hawai‘i, greatly decreasing the time to fly here.

Ala Moana Center opens.