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Principals of Kamehameha Schools 1901–2012

Charles B. Dyke
Dyke was appointed to administer the Schools with the designation “Principal of the Kamehameha Schools.”

Perley L. Horne
Horne was the first to hold the new title “President of the Kamehameha Schools” (August 19, 1904).
He advocates well-equipped shops for carpentry, blacksmithing, machine work, printing and electricity.

Ernest C. Webster
The third President, reorganizes the Preparatory Department giving students more time in academic work than in the shop.

Frank E. Midkiff, Ph.D.
To the curriculum, he added Hawaiian language instruction, the “Antioch” or “Cincinnati” part-time work/study plan and the live baby program for Senior Girls. Girls begin nursing and childcare training at Palama Settlement.

Homer F. Barnes, Ph.D.
DR. HOMER F. BARNES becomes Principal-in-Charge when FRANK E. MIDKIFF leaves to pursue a PhD at Yale University. Barnes emphasizes an academic, college preparatory curriculum in addition to the manual, industrial training program. High standards of behavior and achievement are expected and mark Kamehameha students as outstanding members of the community.


Charles T. Parrent
Parrent was administrative head of the Schools with the title “Acting Principal-in-Charge.”

Harold W. Kent
Preferring to be know by his honorary title of Colonel, Kent’s long tenure saw construction of most of the buildings on the campus today. The U.S. War Department designated Kamehameha Schools for Boys, a military institute.

James W. Bushong
Mr. Bushong presides over reorganization and changes including the administrative merger of all Schools. The first regular co-educational classes are held. Kamehameha Schools receives the first five-year accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

Arthur John Darvill
Revenue generating properties were built and enhanced, buildings were constructed and significant programs were created.

Michael J. Chun, Ph.D.
Dr. Chun is the first alumnus to become President of the Kamehameha Schools. He graduated with the Kamehameha School for Boys, Class of 1961. He is also the last President of the Kamehameha Schools.
His present title is “President and Headmaster of Kamehameha Schools.” He is the headmaster of the historical Kapālama campus in Honolulu. In 2000, Kamehameha Schools and Bishop Estate reorganized under a CEO. Two more campuses were built, one at Pukalanai, Maui and one at Kea‘au, Hawai‘i. Each campus po’o kula was called the Headmaster.