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Mahina ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i
Celebrate and learn a phrase of the day. More ‘ōlelo »
How do you say: It is my pleasure.
Na‘u ka hau‘oli.

About us

The Board of Trustees

In accordance with the will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the governance of Kamehameha Schools rests with a board of trustees. The board of trustees provides the strategic direction and focus necessary to fulfill and sustain the vision, mission and values of Kamehameha Schools.

Composed of five individuals — equally vested with the responsibility and duty of collectively carrying out the testamentary will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop — the sole purpose of the board is to set policy. In accordance with Kamehameha’s organizational structure, the day-to-day management of the institution rests with a board-appointed chief executive officer and his or her chosen managerial staff.