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The court’s trustee selection process


Trustees file petition in probate court to begin selection one year prior to vacancy
  • Screening process set forth in court order from February 6, 2025
  • Order appoints a court master to oversee the process, establishes trustee qualification requirements and appointment of a screening committee 


Selection of screening committee is initiated
  • Individuals who have a genuine understanding of Ke Ali‘i Pauahi’s will, her legacy, and the mission of KS are highly considered
  • Names, resumes, and cover letters of qualified committee members are collected for consideration
  • Information about appointed screening committee members, related court filings, and petitions is posted on the KS website


Screening committee takes action
  • Engages with individuals and community members well-acquainted with KS to discuss the qualifications for a successor trustee
  • Publishes notice of vacancy


Applicants take action
  • Provides statement to the committee on their role as a trustee and goals and objectives of KS, if appointed
  • May provide references and letters of support


Screening committee screens candidates
  • Screens and identifies qualified applicants 
  • Reduces list of applicants to six semi-finalists 
  • Interviews semi-finalists and reduces list to three finalists


Finalists named
  • Files names of finalists in probate court 
  • Publishes names of finalists in newspaper and gives 30 days for public comment 
  • Submits final report to court


Court makes decision
  • Schedules hearing date to select new trustee
  • Trustees, court master and attorney general may submit responses 
  • Selects one of the finalists, or for good cause rejects the list, and requests additional names
Collection of court documents

The Probate Court recently approved changes to make its process for the selection of Kamehameha Schools trustees more transparent and accessible to the public. These updates require the public posting of a comprehensive list of court documents detailing the court’s process as well as background information on the members of the screening committees appointed by the court to assist in filling each vacant trustee position. Explore the full collection of the court’s documents below and stay updated on the latest developments.

Probate court’s selection process

Documents related to Trustee Nobriga’s upcoming vacancy